From New Scientist - 28 April 2016
Genesis revisited
Oxygen is supposed to have driven the evolution
of complex life. Great story, says biochemist Nick
Lane, but it's wrong
GO WEST, young man! More specifically, go about
200 kilometres west of Crete, then straight down to the bottom of the
Mediterranean Sea 3.5 kilometres below. There you will find a lake with some
extraordinary inhabitants.
Around 6 million years ago when the
Mediterranean nearly dried up, vast amounts of salt were deposited on the sea
floor. Some of these deposits were exposed about 30,000 years ago. As this salt
dissolves, extra-salty, dense water is sinking to the depths, forming a brine
lake 100 metres deep. Even more surprising than the existence of this lake
beneath the sea, however, is what lives in it.
The water in the brine lake does not mix with
the water above and so ran out of oxygen long ago. Instead, the toxic gas
hydrogen sulphide oozes from the black mud. It's the last place you would
expect to find animals. But that's exactly what has been discovered: the first animals, as far as we know, that can grow and reproduce without a whiff of
These tiny mud-dwellers are far more than a
curiosity. They could be the best pointer yet to the origin of complex cells:
the basis of most life on Earth, from amoebae to oak trees.
"The ecology is interesting, but the real
significance of these critters is what they say about evolution," says
Bill Martin, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Düsseldorf in
Germany. For Martin, the discovery is a beautiful affirmation of a radical
prediction he made more than a decade ago – that oxygen had nothing to do with
the evolution of complex life.
The first kinds of life on Earth, the bacteria and
archaea, were simple cells – not much more than bags
of chemicals. Eventually, they gave rise to complex cells, or eukaryotes, with
sophisticated internal structures, the kind of cells found inside all plants
and animals. And one of the
most important events in the evolution of complex cells was the formation of a symbiotic union between a host cell and a
bacterium – the ancestor of the cellular powerhouses known as mitochondria,
which extract energy from food using oxygen.
"Burning" food provides 10 times as
much energy as alternative ways of extracting energy from food without oxygen.
When complex cells gained this ability, it changed the course of life on Earth:
without mitochondria, large active animals might never have evolved (see
"Living without breathing"). It is not surprising, then, that most
biologists think that the original symbiotic union revolved around oxygen.
According to Martin, though, they are utterly wrong.
The narrative in the textbooks seems compelling.
In the beginning, so the story goes, there was no oxygen. The evolution of
photosynthesis changed all that. By releasing their waste – oxygen – into the
air, cyanobacteria transformed the globe around 2.3 billion years ago. As oxygen levels
rose, the toxic gas caused the first mass
extinction, wiping out nearly all existing organisms and paving the way for a
new lifestyle: extracting energy from food using oxygen.
The bacteria that evolved this ability were
preyed on by other cells. At some point, one cell failed to digest its dinner
and instead let the bacteria live on inside it. This host cell, so the story
goes, got two huge benefits: protection against oxygen, which was guzzled up by
the ancestral mitochondria, and a share of the extra energy its guests could
extract from food using oxygen.
It was not until oxygen levels rose even
higher, around half a billion years ago, that the oceans could support large
multicellular organisms that got their energy by burning food. That led to the
Cambrian explosion, when all kinds of animals appeared. The main point about
this story is that it sweeps forward with a magisterial inevitability, waiting
only on a rising tide of oxygen.
The broad outlines are true. Oxygen levels did
rise in two steps; most eukaryotes do generate energy using oxygen, and are
normally tolerant of its toxicity; and the earliest fossil animals did appear
soon after a big rise in oxygen levels in the oceans. Yet there are grounds to
suspect that oxygen was not the puppet master after all.
One is that the initial rise in oxygen did not
cleanse the oceans, but converted them into a stinking mess, full of hydrogen
sulphide. Far from having few refuges, anaerobes had whole oceans to
themselves. What's more, these conditions lasted for more than a billion years,
right through the period when the eukaryotes are thought to have evolved.
No free lunch
Another issue is that oxygen is not
particularly toxic by itself – it needs to be converted into free radicals
before it will react with and destroy proteins and DNA. Mitochondria generate
lots of free radicals so, far from protecting their hosts from oxygen, their
ancestors would have increased the damage it does. In any case, consuming
oxygen merely steepens the diffusion gradient; it's like trying to save
yourself from drowning by drinking the surrounding ocean.
Even the power advantage of oxygen is problematic.
No bacterium gives away energy for free, so the host cell could not have
benefited from oxygen respiration until it had evolved the kit needed to siphon
off energy-rich ATP from its guest bacteria. In the meantime, the
"symbiosis" would have been a disaster. Thanks to their ability to
exploit oxygen, the bacteria would be likely to outgrow the host and end up
killing it.
So if the union was not about oxygen, what was
it about? Hydrogen, according to Martin and Miklos Müller of The Rockefeller
University in New York.
Back in the 1970s, Müller discovered that some
single-celled organisms have structures that resemble mitochondria but do
something quite different; they generate energy without using oxygen, by
breaking food down into carbon dioxide and hydrogen – so Müller called them
Before hooking up with Martin, Müller had gone
on to show that hydrogenosomes do not merely resemble mitochondria but are in
fact stripped-down mitochondria. They have the same shell, yet completely lack
the usual ATP-generating machinery driven by oxygen. Instead, they have
machinery that generates ATP while creating hydrogen as waste. The question is,
was this different machinery acquired as mitochondria evolved into
hydrogenosomes, or was it present all along? And if it was present all along,
then what did the bacterial ancestor of the mitochondria actually look like?
Martin and Müller leapt straight in at the deep
end. The ancestor of mitochondria, they said, was a versatile bacterium capable
of living in a variety of environments – it could use many substances,
including oxygen, to produce energy, and it could make hydrogen too. This is
hardly an imaginary superbug: existing bacteria like Rhodobacter can do all
that and more.
The ability of ancestral mitochondria to make
hydrogen, rather than use oxygen, was the basis of the primordial pact that
gave rise to the eukaryotes, Martin and Müller argued. The bacteria produced
hydrogen as waste, and the host cell used it to convert carbon dioxide into
methane, gleaning a little energy from the process – just as many archaea,
called methanogens, still do. The symbiosis began in an environment with little
or no oxygen and only later, after the relationship was well established, did
the host cell start exploiting the ability of the ancestral mitochondria to use
This idea, known as the "hydrogen
hypothesis", was proposed by Martin and Müller in 1998, but it has never
gained widespread acceptance. It was not just up against the gut feeling of
most researchers that the rise of the eukaryotes was related in some way to
oxygen; on the face of it, what little evidence there was did not support it
Most studies of the genes needed to make
hydrogenosomes, for example, suggest they evolved repeatedly and independently
from mitochondrial genes, with some extra ones being picked up by lateral gene
transfer from other organisms along the way. "I think the transformation
from aerobic mitochondria to hydrogenosomes has little or nothing to do with
the origins of eukaryotes," says microbiologist Mitch Sogin at the Marine
Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Not surprisingly, Martin disagrees.
"Single gene studies are subject to so many artefacts that we can conclude
almost nothing about deep evolutionary history from them," he says.
"Line up the same genes from the other end and you derive a totally
different tree."
What's more, if aerobic mitochondria have
evolved into hydrogenosomes on many separate occasions by picking up genes from
other organisms, then why do hydrogenosomes always have the same small subset
of genes for making hydrogen? They could have picked up all kinds of genes from
bacteria, which have an amazing repertoire of metabolic abilities, Martin says,
so why pick the same ones each time?
Remarkable abilities
Martin's explanation is simple: they share the
same set because they inherited them from a single bacterium – the ancestor of
mitochondria. For all its power, this argument is sterile without more evidence
one way or another: you either believe it or you don't.
That evidence is starting to emerge. Take Naegleria gruberi, a curious
shape-changing cell. In 2010 it was discovered that in the absence of oxygen,
its mitochondria appear capable of generating energy by producing hydrogen,
with the help of proteins also found in hydrogenosomes.
In the past few years, there have also been
reports of the kind of large scale influx of genes that the hydrogen hypothesis
predicts. In 2012, Shijulal Nelson-Sathi at the University of Düsseldorf,
together with Martin and others, showed that the archaeon Haloarchaea had been
transformed from strictly anaerobic to oxygen-using via the influx of a
thousand bacterial genes. "This argues in favour of mass transfer of genes
for entire pathways," says Martin. Likewise, 2015 research by Martin and
others showed that the prokaryotic genes found in eukaryotes to enable
photosynthesis and mitochondrial metabolism likely came about through episodic
large scale transfer of genes, rather than gradual accumulation.
And now we have found animals that can live
without oxygen lurking in brine lakes at the bottom of the Mediterranean. These
species were discovered by marine biologist Roberto Danovaro of the Polytechnic
University of Marche in Ancona, Italy, and his colleagues. They belong to an
obscure group of microscopic animals, the Loricifera, found in ocean sediments
around the world.
Little more than a millimetre long, the new
species are so inactive that it took a while to prove they were indeed living,
if not breathing. What's really striking about them, though, is not just their
ability to live without oxygen but the way they manage it: unlike all other
animals, including other loriciferans, they appear to have hydrogenosomes
rather than mitochondria.
These recent discoveries are starting to
transform people's perspectives. "The simplest explanation is that all the
different types of mitochondria inherited their metabolic toolkits from a
single versatile ancestor," says Mark van der Giezen at the University of
Exeter, UK, who studies the evolution of anaerobic eukaryotes.
And if that is the case, then eukaryotes would
have been able to live in anoxic environments right from the start.
"Nobody seriously thinks that bacteria dwelling in such habitats only
recently adapted to anaerobic niches," points out Martin. "But when
it comes to eukaryotes, there is still a curious tendency to assume that they
only invaded anaerobic niches of late. There's no logic in that."
Indeed, if the hydrogen hypothesis is right,
the implications for complex life are striking. The existence of animals that
don't need oxygen means that oxygen is not the be-all and end-all of complex
life in the universe. The anoxic oceans a billion years ago might have been
full of tiny creatures – as indeed many anoxic basins probably are today, if we
look properly – and these animals got larger and more active when oxygen levels
The deeper point relates to the origin of
eukaryotes. There was no magisterial progression from simple to complex life as
oxygen levels rose; no inevitability about it. Instead, there was a symbiotic
union between a bacterium that could make hydrogen and an archaeal host cell
that could exploit that hydrogen: a freak event that changed the world.
Living without breathing
Some fish, mussels and
sediment-dwelling worms can live without oxygen for hours or even days. Instead
of getting energy by "burning" food, the cells of these animals
switch to ways of producing energy that do not require oxygen. Until recently,
no animals had been discovered that go their entire lives without oxygen (see
main story) – it was thought to be impossible.
Oxygen is not only used for
getting energy from food, it is also needed to make compounds like collagen,
the "glue" that holds animals together. No oxygen, no collagen; no
collagen, no animals, the thinking went. That must be wrong, although we have
yet to work out how the newly discovered animals make compounds like collagen
without oxygen.
So could there be planets out
there with large animals that do not need oxygen? While burning food produces
10 times as much energy as other means like fermentation, in theory an animal
might get around that if it could somehow get 10 times as much fuel. The
trouble is, fermentation leaves far less energy for predators in ecosystems.
With aerobic respiration, there can be five or six links in a food chain before
the amount of energy falls below 1 per cent of that available initially.
Without oxygen, this happens with just two links.
And with far less scope for
predation, animals might not evolve as far or as fast; the need to find prey or
dodge predators is thought to have driven the development of features like eyes
and mouths and muscles.
Nick Lane
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