Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Daily Catholic Bible Reading - 4 January 2016

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

January 4 2016

Lectionary: 212


1 John 3:22-24  and 4:1-6

According to 3:22 "We receive from him whatever we ask".  Some suggest this is the biggest lie in the Bible. But maybe it's just a mistranslation.

In 4:3 we learn that every non-Christian is an antichrist. So currently, there are 7.3 billion people and 33% are Christian. So that makes 4.8 billion antichrists. Which is odd, because according to the Catholic dictionary "The Antichrist is a real person." http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/dictionary/index.cfm?id=31848

Psalms 2:7, 8, 10, 12

What's interesting here is that verse 9 has been left out.. This explains that heathens (or gentiles depending on which Bible you use) will be forced by God to be your slaves and He will help you "dash them in pieces." like pottery. 

Matthew 4:23

Jesus cured every disease among the people. Seems He takes after His mother.

Matthew 4: 12-17 and 23-25

Now this is interesting again for what's been left out. Verse 18 is where Jesus meets the fishermen Andrew and Peter where Jesus coins the "fishers of men" phrase.  This happens after John the Baptist was imprisoned. But According to the Gospel of John, Jesus called on Peter and Andrew before John was imprisoned.


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