Quantum mysticism is a set of metaphysical beliefs and
associated practices that seek to relate consciousness, intelligence,
spirituality, or mystical world-views to the ideas of quantum mechanics and its
A notable researcher in this field is Dean Radin. In this paper, Radin tries to show that consciousness can cause the collapse of the quantum wavefunction. The double slit experiment is normally used to show how the collapse of a quantum wavefunction is caused when individual atoms are measured by a non-conscious measurement device. Radin uses volunteers who try to influence the outcome of the experiment by using their thoughts.
(Note that this experiment is trying to prove something different to the false claim from religionists that the double slit experiment shows conscious observation creates or influences matter).
Radin's idea is interesting, and the experiment is better than most one finds in pseudoscience, but unfortunately the results are inconclusive.
Here's a review of Radin's paper.
Unfortunately this paper again does not report the actual
physical outcome. They don’t report how much the subjects were able to
influence the pattern. What seems clear is that none of them was able to alter
the pattern in a way that stood out above the noise.
It would have been interesting to know if the measurements
were any more precise than those conducted by Jeffers and Ibison. If their
apparatus is better, and the effect still couldn’t be clearly measured, then
that would suggest confirmation that Ibison’s result was just chance.
They calculate that, on average, the pattern in periods
where subjects paid attention was slightly different from the pattern when they
did not pay attention. That is valid in principle because you can get a good
measurement with a bad apparatus by simply repeating the process a lot of
However, any physicist or engineer would try their utmost to
improve that apparatus rather than rely on repetitions.
On the whole, this is not handled like a physics experiment
but more like one in social science.
Most importantly, the effect size reported is not about any
physically measurable change to the interference pattern. It is simply a
measure for how much the result deviated from “chance expectation”. That’s not
exactly what should be of top interest.
The paper reports six experiments. To give credit where
credit should not be due, some would have pooled the data and pretended to have
run fewer but larger experiments to make the results seem more impressive.
That’s not acceptable, of course, but still done (EG by Daryl Bem).
Results and Methods
The first four experiments presented all failed to reach a
significant result, even by the loose standards common in social science.
However, they all pointed somewhat in the right direction which might be
considered encouraging enough to continue.
Among these experiments there were two ill-conceived
attempts to identify other factors that might influence the result.
The first idea is that somewhat regular ups and downs in the
outcome measure could have coincided with periods of attention and no
attention. I can’t stress enough that this would have been better addressed by
trying to get the apparatus to behave.
Instead, Radin performs a plainly bizarre statistical
analysis. I’m sure this was thought up by him rather than a co-author because
it is just his style.
Basically, he takes out all the big ups and downs. So far so
fine. This should indeed remove any spurious ups and downs coming from within
the apparatus. But wait, it should also remove any real effect!
Radin, however, is satisfied with still getting a positive
result even when there is nothing left of that could cause a true positive
result. The “positive” result Radin gets is obviously a meaningless coincidence
that almost certainly would not repeat in any of the other experiments. And
indeed, he reports the analysis only for this one experiment.
Make no mistake here, once a method for such an analysis has
been implemented on the computer for one set of data, it takes only seconds to
perform it on any other set of data.
The second attempt concerns the possibility that warmth
might have affected the result. A good way to test this is probably to
introduce heat sources into the room and see how that affects the apparatus.
What is done is quite different. Four thermometers are
placed in the room while an experiment is conducted. The idea seems to have
been that if the room gets warmer this indicates that warmth may have been
responsible. Unfortunately, since you don’t know if you are measuring at the
right places, you can’t conclude that warmth is not responsible if you don’t
find any. Besides it might not be a steady increase you are looking for. In
short, you don’t know if your four thermometers could pick up anything relevant
or how to recognize it, if they did.
Conversely, even if the room got warmer with someone in it,
this would not necessarily affect the measurement adversely.
In any case, temperature indeed seemed to increase slightly.
Why the same temperature measurements were not conducted in the other
experiments, or why the possible temperature influence was not investigated
further, is unclear to me. They believe this should work, so why don’t they
continue with it?
The last two experiments were somewhat more elaborate. They
were larger, comprising about 50 subjects rather than about 30, and took an EEG
of subjects. The fifth experiment is the one success in the lot insofar that it
reports a significant result.
If you have read the first part of this series then you have
encountered a mainstream physics articles that studied how the thermal emission
of photons affects the interference pattern. What that paper shares with this
one is that both are interested in how a certain process affects the
interference pattern.
And yet the papers could hardly be more different. The
mainstream paper contains extensive theoretical calculations that place the
results in the context of known physics. The fringe paper has no such
calculations and relies mainly on pop science accounts of quantum physics.
The mainstream paper presents a clear and unambiguous change
in the interference pattern. Let’s look at it again.
The dots are the particles and the lines mark the
theoretically expected interference patterns fitted to the actual results. As
you can see the dots don’t exactly follow the lines. That’s just unavoidable
random variation due to any number of reasons. And yet the change in the
pattern can be clearly seen.
From what is reported in Radin’s paper we can deduce that
the change associate with attention was not even remotely as clean. In fact,
the patterns should be virtually identical the whole time.
That means, that if there is a real effect in Radin’s paper,
it is tiny. So tiny that it can’t be properly seen with the equipment they
That is hardly a surprising result. If paying attention on
something was able to change its quantum behavior in a noticeable way, then
this should have been noticed long ago. Careful experiments should be plagued
by inexplicable noise, depending on what the experimenters are thinking about.
The “positive” result that he reports suffer from the same
problem as virtually all positive results in parapsychology and also many in
certain recognized scientific disciplines. It may simply be due to kinks in the
social science methodology employed.
Some of the weirdness in the paper, not all of which I
mentioned, leaves me with no confidence that there is more than “flexible
methods” going on here.
Poor Quantum Physics
Radin believes that a positive result supports
“consciousness causes collapse”. He bemoans a lack of experimental tests
of that idea and attributes it, quite without justification, to a “taboo”
against including consciousness in physics.
Thousands upon thousands of physicists and many times more
students have out of some desire to conform simply refused to do some simple
and obvious experiment. I think it says a lot about Radin and the company he
keeps that he has no problem believing that.
I don’t know about you, my dear readers, but when I am in
such a situation would have thought differently. Either all those people who
should know more about the subject than me have their heads up their behinds.
Or maybe it is just me. And I would have wondered if there was maybe something
I am missing. And I would have found out what it was and avoided making an ass
of myself. Then again, I would have (and have) also avoided book deals and the
adoration of many fans and the like, all of which Radin secured for himself.
So who’s to say that reasonable thinking is actually the
same as sensible thinking.
But back to the physics. As is obvious when one manages to
find the relevant literature, conscious awareness of any information is not
necessary to affect an interference pattern. Moreover, wave function collapse
is not necessary to explain this. Both of this should be plain from the
mainstream paper mentioned here.
My advice to anyone who thinks that there’s something about
this is to try to build a more sensitive apparatus and/or to calibrate it
better. If the effect still doesn’t rise over the noise, it probably still
wasn’t there in the first place. If it does, however, future research becomes
much easier.
For example, if tiny magnetic fields influence this, as Radin
suggests, that could be learned in a few days.
Unfortunately, it does not appear that this is the way Dean
Radin and his colleagues are going about but I’ll refrain from comment until I
have more solid information.
But at least, the are continuing the line of investigation.
They deserve some praise for that. It is all too often the case that
parapsychologists present a supposedly awesome, earth-shattering result and
then move on to do something completely different.
I omitted to comment on a lot of details in the second paper
to keep things halfway brief. In doing so I overlooked one curiosity that
really should be mentioned.
The fourth experiment is “retrocausal”. That means, in this
case, that the double-slit part of the experiment was run and recorded three
months before the humans viewed this record, and tried to influence it. The
retrocausality in itself is not really such an issue. Time is a curious thing
in modern physics and not at all like we intuit.
The curious thing is that it implies that the entire
recording was in a state of quantum superposition for a whole three months.
Getting macroscopic objects into and keeping them in such states is enormously
difficult. It certainly does not just happen on its own. What they claim to
have done there is simply impossible as far as mainstream quantum physics is
concerned. Not just in theory, but it can’t be done in practice despite
physicists trying really hard.
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